Consistency matters because inspiration is friggle. Thats something that people that are in less creative industries know very well. Maybe too well. It provides opportunity, a compulsion, a reflex to work – even when you feel nothing good will come out of it. Some days nothing good comes out of it. But creatives know that…
Keep starting
Note to self. You should keep on starting something. Create that sketch, make that loop, learn something small and way out of your comfort zone, write up that piece of code, go find a new experience or meet someone new. Often. Remove friction and investigate thoughts that prevent you from doing that. Make it pure,…
Small decisions
You get to make seemingly small but important decisions every now and then. These small decisions shape your life. In time these small responses to your thoughts become physical manifestations. It is (most of the time) far better to make a decision quickly and effectively. Far better than it is to stutter. Somehow you always…